Holding On to Your Faith… Even When God Doesn’t Make Sense

This week was an interesting one for me.  I had the opportunity to talk to a man (Chuck) that has been going through a really hard time in his life.  For whatever reason our paths crossed and we just started talking and he shared that he felt like everything around him was crashing down.  He wondered where God was and why would He allow a believer to go through all that he had gone through.    He felt alone.

I let him talk.

From my personal experience, I feel that we all need the time to vent.   I know when I was going through my darkest times all I really wanted was to say it out loud.  I did not want sermons or advice, nor did I want someone to tell me they were praying for me.  What I wanted and needed was someone just to let me say it out loud.  Even though I was my own worst enemy and created my own problems, I needed to verbally express my frustration with my situation.  I was not blaming God, I just wanted to say it without the judgment of other believers.

Chuck was no different, he had been experiencing a bit of the dark deep void that Christians occasionally face.  This isn’t the first time that he had been through a period of what felt like he was totally alone.

We all have been there, you know what I mean, you can’t concentrate when you read or study the Word, the music that lifted you up or quieted your soul either irritates you or leaves you feeling numb, verses that you know by heart and depend upon to comfort you seemed to have been erased from your memory.  And your prayer life?  What prayer life?  You stumble and stutter, get so sleepy, too busy, hit the wall and “bounce prayers off the ceiling”.  That is the picture of Chuck’s life for the past few weeks…we have all been there too.

In the past, when this would happen to me,  I would be rather frantic trying to figure out why this was happening.   I would be angry and start railing at God for “forsaking” me.     Sometimes I would even  profess that I was giving up!

I am thankful that I made it through those times.   I did not have anyone to verbally say it out loud too.  So I would drive in my car, miles and miles of driving.  Radio off and at times,  me screaming at the top of my lungs of my frustrations and my pain.  My Christian friends were not there.   But I did not do it alone.  There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother…and although I was always taught that I needed to be reverent when I prayed, I’ve learned that sometimes prayers can be done in different ways.  In my times of frustration and loneliness, when I thought all was lost and there was no one there, I cried out to God and He was listening all the time.

In times of struggle and frustration, it is okay to question.  It’s okay to cry out.  You do not have to always understand why you are going through hard times.  You don’t always have to feel happy about the way your life is going.  Your salvation is not dependent on your feelings.   Hard times do not equal displeasure from God.

So I let Chuck vent and get the burden off his chest.  He was doing a good job at expressing his feelings about things.  In the middle of a particularly rough segment, I started to see some of the stress leave his face and heard some relief in his voice.  He suddenly stopped talking.   He realized that he had gone on for 10 minutes and I did not say a word.

And Chuck said ” What am I supposed to do?”

I wanted to make sure that I didn’t fall into the  Christian clichés  I had heard all my life.  While they may be true on some levels…these kind of statements don’t always help in times of real trouble.  They come across as real impersonal.

  1. “Just pray about it…”
  2. “I’m praying for you…”
  3. “You just need to ask for forgiveness…”
  4. “You have un-confessed sin in your life…”
  5. “I feel sorry for you…”
  6. “Jesus loves you…”
  7. “You’re running away from God…”

I am sure that there are many more that could be added to the list.  Again, all of these responses have their place.  They are indeed true when applied correctly.  Unfortunately, I have seen these used in the wrong manner and at the worst times.

I thought for a moment and I tried to remember what would have helped me when I was going through similar things.   Only one thing came to mind, I said…

“Hold on…hold on to your faith…even when God doesn’t make sense.  It will be okay,  just hold on to your trust in God! “

I waited for a second to see his reaction.  I began to see the edges of his mouth slowly move and he started to smile.  He looked at me and said that this was the first time someone did not try to convince him that he was so full of sin and that he should question his salvation because he did not understand why God would allow him to go through hard times.

What is the Lord teaching all of us in times of trouble? In the bad times like Chuck was going  through?  I believe the answer is simple…

Hold on.   That is all, just hold on to your faith and your trust in God.

Hold on when you can’t see the end of trouble,  hold on when you cannot hear God’s small voice and hold on when you do not feel like God is there at all.   The lesson learned for all of us is that God is holding on to us even when we don’t feel His arms around us.

Instead of me just telling him to just pray about it, I was able to help him see that God allows us all to go through things in our life that we don’t understand.  It is part of the “testing” of our faith.  This “testing” does not always mean you are in sin.  There are reasons why God allows it.  Sometimes in life we see clearly why, in other times, we will never really know until we get to heaven.  The bottom line is that God wants us to remain faithful and holding onto to our faith regardless of the situation in our life.

If you are struggling with hard times.  Times where you feel so far away from God.  Reach out and just hold on.  Remain faithful.  Determine to stay the course.  You can trust that our Lord will take you through the deepest, darkest, loneliest times.  Just Hold On.

May you be blessed abundantly today and every day.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”

Romans 15:13

21 thoughts on “Holding On to Your Faith… Even When God Doesn’t Make Sense

  1. Im facing a difficult time at the moment and reading your message just made me pick up myself, its a pity our fellow christians think its a punishment from God from your past sins that i belieeve God has forgiven us, some goes to the extent that its generational curses, my goodness we’re blessed as we received Christ, but its so sad how many Christians have backslided because of our lack of wisdom in things we say.

    Giving up its what comes to mind and the devil is using the opportunity to show that there’s no way out, and with your natural eyes, you’ll see that its true, but as our bible says we need to have hope of things not yet seen, I believe all will be well in my life.

  2. There have been many times that I too question God and events in my life as well. Why did God have me suffer through such misery? Why does God allow good people to suffer bad health or financial crisis? Good people that follow the Lord should be rewarded right? Well through the toughest times God always has provided and I have come to realize that we go through life, the good and the bad, for a reason. Recently I have learned that if I did not have the bad times I would not have found and learned what I have today. Not all things will always make sense, but trust that with God they will in time.

  3. Hi, Thanks for the post, It was quite encouraging.

    Im currently struggling with the Idea of following God even if it doesn’t make sense, even if following him means being marked as ignorant and crazy. Ur post has helped me to cope a little bit so thank you.

  4. Thank you very much for this. This is exactly how I am feeling right now. I also get tired of the cliches you mentioned.

  5. I just stumbled across this post and normally I read blogs and move on–I rarely comment. But I wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement. I know I have faith, but sometimes it seems like it’s fuel. I have a lot of it at the beginning of a situation, but the more I’m in an undesirable situation, it feels like your tank starts to empty. I believe God led me to this post because I needed “refueling.” Thank you again and may God continue to bless you so you can continue to be a blessing to others.

  6. This post reminds me of a song:

    Just HOLD ON a little longer,
    Help is on the way
    A Brighter day is coming,
    For those who believe and pray;
    Help won’t help tomarrow,
    If you give up today
    Just HOLD ON a little longer,
    Help is on the way.

    God don’t forget his children. I promise. 🙂

  7. Glory be to God for His FAITHFULNESS! Don’t give up on God cause He will not give up on you (us)! Amen.

  8. the word of encouragement , and kwowledge that you applied ,holding on to your faith have giving me hope and lifted me

  9. Thank you so much for this article. My daughter was battling illnesses for 5 years and is now on the other side. During those most difficult days God has transformed her into the most beautiful godly woman! Not only her but her husband and her children. It has been a very long journey of valleys and peaks. Things continue to happen and she has been asking why. Why can’t I have some relief. I wish I had read your article before and just listened and told her to hold on, but she was the one that sent me this:

    Mom, Great article. Needed to hear this today after yesterday. Thought I would share, great reminder even if your not on a difficult place.

    So thank you again and may God continue to bless you and use you for His Glory!!!

  10. This was good for the last 13 years I’ve always had a way to provide I’ve since been attacked my job, car and home taken. I’ve too wondered what I did to God to deserve this I’m still going through it right now.I’d like to believe I had faith but this article has renewed it thanks for sharing this talk I don’t wanna be like the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 yrs cause my faith has wavered.

  11. this morning i too was feeling i was alone at that crossroad where I did not know where to turn. Your article was confirmation for me.. Stand still and know that Father is always with us.. Thank you

  12. Just what I needed to ‘hear’. You have blessed me so much! It was as if I was reading my own story (me being Chuck). Thank you and God bless!

  13. That’s what I’m doing right now, holding on to my faith and still trusting in God and just asking Him to hold on to me, never let me go and just be with me at this time.

  14. It is. Sunday, March 13, 2016 it has been flooding here in North Louisiana since Tuesday night. Many have lost their homes, some their loved ones, some just the comforts we are use too. We need to hold on to our faith no matter what GOD is holding us it my not look or feel like it right now, He is there. Thanks for the word I have been saying it to others but I needed to hear it too. Hold on to your faith.

  15. I am going through a hard time in lif now. But thanks to God for directing to this post. It’s very encouraging and am going to keep on holding on to my faith in God and serve both in spirit and in truth. Thank you very much for this post, it’s very helpful.

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